My major research interests are in regional and urban economics, urban sustainability, international macroeconomics, empirics of economic growth, meta-analysis, technology adoption and diffusion, endogenous growth theory, and energy and environmental economics.
This publication (published in Dutch with VOC Uitgevers) deals with the fundamental question where to build and where not to build. It is a follow up study of Stad en Land (which we published in 2010; see Cities and the Urban Land Premium for an English version). In VOX, we discuss the main insights. Another related popular publication on the importance of high-skilled for urban growth can be found in MeJudice
On March 2, 2017, the most recent version of the Economic Outlook Metropolitan Area Amsterdam was published and presented. More information, reactions and the publication can be found here.
In a series of papers, we are making use of a newly constructed dataset to analyse energy productivity developments in the OECD in general and in the Netherlands in particular. The dataset underlying this work is unique in that it allows us to combine a cross-country perspective with a high level of sector detail (covering 51 sectors) for a long time period. Particularly innovative is our evaluation of energy intensity developments in a wide range of Service sectors. The papers cover a comprehensive description of the dataset, an analysis of energy productivity convergence in the OECD (published in Energy Economics), a paper on energy productivity in the Netherlands (published in Energy Policy), and a paper on energy productivity in the service sector (published in Ecological Economics).
In a series of papers, I have been looking into the sources of variation behind the huge differences with which regions in the Netherlands (as well as in Europe as a whole) have been hit. You may want to take a look at The crisis sensitivity of European countries and regions (in Cambridge Journal of Regions and Society, 4 (3), pp. 437-456), or De Conjunctuurgevoeligheid van Europese Sectoren en Regio’s (in TPEdigitaal; in Dutch).